Simple RIAK and C# Example

Sep 10, 14

Install It:

  • Have a linux box somewhere. i spun up a new centos 7.0 droplet on digital ocean for 5 bucks and turned it off when i was done with it.
    • Basically, I logged into my new machine and ran:
    • sudo yum install
    • sudo yum install riak
  • If you want this to be available outside of your machine, you need to modify the ip address riak is bound to.
    • If you were logged in as root, go to the /etc/riak folder and edit the app.config
    • Modify the “http” area to have your public ip address as well as the ‘PB’ area up top.
  • Run “riak start” to start up riak
  • Check http://:8098/riak/status should return some json

Use it:

  • Open LINQpad (or whatever you want)
  • NuGet search for riak
  • Install CorrugatedIron
  • Create a app.config file that is something like this:
    <section name="riakConfig" type="CorrugatedIron.Config.RiakClusterConfiguration, CorrugatedIron"/> 
<riakConfig nodePollTime="5000" defaultRetryWaitTime="200" defaultRetryCount="3"> 
        <node name="mynodename" hostAddress="actualnodeaddress" pbcPort="8087" restPort="8098" poolSize="0" /> 

Note: I think this file can be named anything really, I actually called it riak.config and included a path down below.

  • try some c# code like this:

      void Main() {
          //config file location
          var fl = @"path to my app.config";
          //name of the config section in the config file above
          var cs = "riakConfig";
          //name of our riak bucket to store things in
          var b = "mybucket";
          //connect to the cluster using our config file
          var clst = RiakCluster.FromConfig(cs,fl);
          //create a client
          var clnt = clst.CreateClient();
          //create an object to store
          var kvp = new KeyValuePair<string,string>("0","zero");
          //put it in a bucket in riak, key it, and drop the object in there
          var o = new RiakObject(b,kvp.Key, kvp);
          //put the object in riak
          //go get the object using the same key as above
          var r = clnt.Get(b,kvp.Key);
          //dump the value we got back