how do i alter fill factor on all tables in a database or for a whole server

Jul 11, 07

Recently we had an issue at work where nightly MS SQL Server DB index defrags were taking a long time. Upon looking at the logs it appeared that almost all of the tables were fragmented quite often. It didn’t take long to ask if anyone ever modified the fill factor from the default of 0. Nope. If you can’t set it in a wider fashion for the whole server due to permissions, controls, politics, solar flares, whatever, here’s a script that will set the fill factor to 90 on each table and show the table it’s processing.

sp_MSforeachtable @command1="print '?' alter index all on ? rebuild with (pad_index=on,fillfactor=90,sort_in_tempdb = on)"

If you don’t know what fill factor is, consult BOL. Here’s a quote: “When an index is created or rebuilt, the fill factor value determines the percentage of space on each leaf level page to be filled with data, therefore reserving a percentage of free space for future growth.” So basically, if you leave it at the default 0, it means the same thing as 100 or 100% full on each leaf level page, aka no room for growth. So if you grow at all, you have fragmentation. 90 is a fairly standard setting in most environments I’ve been in.

You can change the fill factor default on the server using the following SQL:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1


sp_configure 'fill factor', 90